Sports Hall opening hours, prices and customer service

Sports Hall opening hours

Mon–Sat 8:00–21:00, Sun 9:00–18:00
On Sun Oct 15th 8:00-21:00

Sports Hall gym and court prices:

Single ticket adult €12,50

Single ticket under 16-year-olds €6

Children under 5 admitted free of charge

Single ticket with a pensioner or student card €6

Single family ticket €30 (2 adults and 3 children)

Child = 5–16-year-olds
Pensioner/student = pensioner/student card required

Court prices:

  • Pickleball Mon–Thu €18/h, Fri–Sun €22 / h

  • Badminton Mon–Thu €18/h, Fri–Sun €22 / h

Customer service +358 300 870 870

Call charge €0.49 / min, incl. VAT 25,5 %

Group reservations

+358 300 870 870, call charge €0.49 / min, incl. VAT 25,5 %

Vierumäki aerial image environment sports hall

Pitches on the lower floor

  • futsal

  • badminton/pickleball

  • volleyball

  • floorball

  • basketball basket

The lower floor also houses the functional exercise gym.

Upper floor facilities

  • 200 m running track

  • tatami mat

  • fitness boxing, gym, TRX, aerobic equipment area

  • trick corner

You can access the Sports Hall facilities for the hall fee or with a court reservation. Please register at the info desk.

iWall 3.0 - interaktiivinen peliseinä

NEW AT THE SPORTS HALL: iWall 3.0 Interactive Game Wall

iWall is a unique physical gaming product that provides hours of entertainment for the whole family. Thanks to its diverse game content, iWall brings joy to everyone, regardless of age or fitness level. In iWall games, movement is controlled by your own body movements, so no controllers or other additional equipment are needed for playing.

Years of game development and research have resulted in a user interface for the iWall that is extremely easy to use, and no staff or instructors are needed to operate the iWall. A short instructional video before each game and an intuitive user interface ensure that everyone can operate the iWall. iWall offers a great activity for all ages and levels and encourages families to move together. The iWall has several games that are also suitable for those with physical disabilities. Therefore, most of the games can be played, for example, while sitting in a wheelchair. No matter which game you choose, iWall keeps you moving!

The price is 5€/15min and payment is made directly to the machine via card.

Lasten leikkipaikka

Lasten leikkipaikka

Urheiluhallin vieressä sijaitseva leikkipuisto on täynnä leikin ja liikunnan riemua. Heilauta itsesi huipulle keinujen kautta tai rakenna oma hiekkavaltakuntasi luonnonmukaisella hiekkalaatikolla. Leikkipuistosta löydät kiikkumisen ja kiipeilyn riemut.

Puistosta löydät

- Kaksi keinua - Kaksi vauvojen keinua - Hämähäkkikeinun - Kiipeilytelineen liukumäkineen - Karusellin - Luonnonmukaisen hiekkalaatikon - Tasapainoilupuut - Kiikkulaudan

Tervetuloa ilakoimaan!
