Vierumäki Companies
Several different companies operate in the Vierumäki area. The largest companies are Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö and Vierumäen Infra.
Vierumäki Companies
Several different companies operate in the Vierumäki area. The largest companies are Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö, Vierumäki Sports and Vierumäen Infra.
Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö
The Finnish Sports Institute is a national training centre for sports that operates under the Ministry of Education and is maintained by Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö. The Finnish Sports Institute develops, produces and markets high-quality sports and leisure-related coaching, training and sports services, both nationally and internationally. Its core activities comprise physical education, health-enhancing physical activities and sports. The Finnish Sports Institute is a liberal education institution, which also organises vocational degree and further training as well as separately charged services that support educational activities. As part of its liberal education, the Finnish Sports Institute organises, for example, various high-quality recreational sports and exercise courses for all age groups as well as camps and tournaments in cooperation with sports clubs. Vierumäki’s basic vocational education includes training leading to a basic degree in physical education.
The Finnish Sports Institute’s vocational adult education develops, plans and organises degree education, further education, seminars, short courses and projects that serve and advance working life. The Finnish Sports Institute partners with the Vierumäki unit of HAAGA-HELIA University of Applied Sciences, which is responsible for higher education in Vierumäki.
Olympic Committee training and coaching centre
The Finnish Sports Institute is the official training and coaching centre of the Finnish Olympic Committee. In Vierumäki, sports and coaching are developed in cooperation with sports federations, and coaches are trained at coaching and instructor training levels I-III and through vocational adult education.
International Ice Hockey Development Centre
Vierumäki’s International Ice Hockey Centre of Excellence operates as a nationally and internationally significant centre of education and competence as well as a promotor of ice hockey and a developer and curator of related training and coaching materials.
Other activities
Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö owns the Kiinteistö Oy Jytinä student accommodation. The Finnish Sports Institute also rents the accommodation and training facilities in the area for its courses.
Peter Gabrielsson
Head of Education, Sports and Exercise
Jukka Tiikkaja
Jukka Leivo
Chairman of the Board
Mikael Granrot
Shareholders of Suomen Urheiluopiston Kannatusosakeyhtiö
Keele Oy 77.62 %
Suomen Jääkiekkoliitto ry 16.94 %
Other small shareholders 5.44 %
Vierumäki Sports Oy
Vierumäki Sports Oy produces the area’s sales, marketing and customer service functions as well as restaurant and accommodation services.
Peter Gabrielsson
Chief Operating Officer
Marko Hiltunen
Chairman of the Board
Mikael Granrot
Vierumäen Sports Oy Shareholders
Keele Oy 84 %
Sports federations 16 %
Vierumäen Infra Oy
The company’s area of responsibility comprises the area’s heat, cold and energy production, management and maintenance of water supply, infrastructure, ICT systems and information network, laundry services, care and maintenance of sports facilities, as well as ICT, housing and facility services.
Peter Gabrielsson
Property Manager and CPO
Paavo Leinonen
Chairman of the Board
Mikael Granrot
Vierumäen Infra Oy shareholders
Keele Oy 100 %
Vierumäki Business Strategy 2020–2025 and values
In accordance with their new strategy, Vierumäki and the Finnish Sports Institute will focus on their original basic task of producing and developing international-level services in the fields of education, exercise and top-level sports. To achieve this task, the customers are provided with advantageous conditions in the form of nutrition, rest and sports facilities. Our work is also governed by our values – tradition, nature, sweat and smile – which we have defined together and internalized.
Social media
Vierumäki can be found on social media – Vierumäki is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and SnapChat under the handle Vierumaki.